Day Four: Alpha Calm.
Just press play.

Enjoy that? Get the full collection of Visualization Audios for as little as $7

Five different audios.

Whenever you need a Power Shot, for your Mind

For stress, anxiety and overwhelm - Alpha Calm

Lack of clarity and focus - The Power to Create

Apathy, procrastination and inertia - The Intention Manifester

Buried trauma and negative emotions - The Dissolver

Constant struggle and scarcity mentality - The Abundance Attractor

Mind Power Shots

RRP $197

  • Instant Access
  • All FIVE Mind Power Shots
  • Quick start guide
  • Listen on any device
  • Download MP3's to listen anywhere
  • Full 30 day money back guarentee

Today, Choose Your Price

I want as many people as possible to have access to the Mind Power Shots. They have been shown to make a huge difference in many people's lives... and are probably needed more than ever at this current time!

So this week you can choose a price that you are happy with!

A price you think FIVE of these guided visualization audios is worth and most importantly... a price which will mean you take action and use them : )

Here Are Your Options:

Click on a button below to get the Mind Power Shots for that price
(you will be taken to a checkout page to confirm!)


All the life-changing benefits of meditation, just waiting for you.

Each one of the 5 guided visualisations is turbo changed by scientifically proven Isochronic tones which is a form of brainwave entrainment that opens up your subsconscious mind.

I use powerful NLP language patterns, Eriksonian hypnosis, timeline therapy and more to help embed these new thoughts, beliefs, and intentions deep into your subconscious mind.

All you do is listen and you'll experience the most vivid sensory visualisations of your life where you will see, hear, and feel yourself performing at the highest level you can imagine.

This is the easiest way to programmes your subsconscious mind, its backed by decades of research and above all its tones of fun... you are going to have a blast!

All the life-changing benefits of meditation, just waiting for you.

Each one of the 5 guided visualisations is turbo changed by scientifically proven Isochronic tones which is a form of brainwave entrainment that opens up your subsconscious mind.

I use powerful NLP language patterns, Eriksonian hypnosis, timeline therapy and more to help embed these new thoughts, beliefs, and intentions deep into your subconscious mind.

All you do is listen and you'll experience the most vivid sensory visualisations of your life where you will see, hear, and feel yourself performing at the highest level you can imagine.

This is the easiest way to programmes your subsconscious mind, its backed by decades of research and above all its tones of fun... you are going to have a blast!

Why aren’t you getting amazing meditation results already?

Why aren’t you getting amazing meditation results already?

Let's make a huge positive change in your life, with just a few minutes a day.


Mind Power Shots will transform the way you view meditation.

It uses special audio MP3s that help induce a deep state of meditation.

The program uses special ‘brainwave’ sounds to meditate for you and get you in the Alpha brainwave state.

That means you don’t have to actively try to do anything.

You don't have to quieten your mind, stop fidgeting, or TRY to meditate. And you don’t have to reschedule your day.

Just sit back and hit play and let the powerful audios go to work!

Let's make a huge positive change in your life, with just a few minutes a day.


Mind Power Shots will transform the way you view meditation.

It uses special audio MP3s that help induce a deep state of meditation.

The program uses special ‘brainwave’ sounds to meditate for you and get you in the Alpha brainwave state.

That means you don’t have to actively try to do anything.

You don't have to quieten your mind, stop fidgeting, or TRY to meditate. And you don’t have to reschedule your day.

Just sit back and hit play and let the powerful audios go to work!

How to meditate with Mind Power Shots

How to meditate with 
Mind Power Shots

Meditating with the Mind Power Shots isn’t a chore. In fact, it couldn’t get any easier.
You just find a few minutes in your day, hit play, and enjoy the benefits.

Choose Your Shot

Special pulses are played by the brainwave audio, replicating deep meditative brainwave frequencies.

Click Play

No special instructions to follow. Just play on your iPhone, MP3 player or computer, and listen.

Enjoy the Benefits

Immediate anxiety and stress relief. Greater relaxation. More focus. Enhanced Creativity. And more!

Get Your Mind Power Shots Here

Click on a button below to get the Mind Power Shots for that price
(you will be taken to a checkout page to confirm!)


Nothing to risk. Everything to gain.



Less stress. More relaxation. Better health. Increased focus. Enhanced creativity. 
All you need to do is press Play.

Get the Mind Power Shots

Less stress. More relaxation. Better health. Increased focus. Enhanced creativity. 
All you need to do is press Play.

Get the Mind Power Shots


Use Headphones if possible. Press play, then relax : )


If you are using a pacemaker, or if you have had or are prone to seizures, or are epileptic, then brain entrainment technologies, should only be used with permission from your Medical Doctor.

Theta brainwaves are typically more predominant amongst those with ADD, therefore using products that stimulate theta brainwaves is not recommended for people with ADD. If you have been diagnosed with ADD or think that you may have this disposition, please only use our theta brainwave producing recordings with the permission and care of your Medical Doctor.